Event Policies FAQ
The Western Pennsylvania Furry Weekend (WPAFW) is a time where people should be able to relax and enjoy themselves. Common sense and respect for others are usually sufficient to keep everybody happy. However, it is important to note a few rules that we expect everyone to abide by. Be considerate of those around you (especially those who are not in attendance of the convention). Threats, stalking, harassment, or persistently rude behavior may result in your membership being revoked.
During the event, your badge remains the property of WPAFW and must be displayed at all times. If any staff member asks to see it, please present it to them.
These policies must be followed by all attendees, and violations will result in warnings. After 3 warnings, you will lose your WPAFW membership, be asked to leave the event, and may not be welcomed back.
Complaints regarding our attendees from our hotel will be taken seriously, and any actions that may jeopardize our relationship with the hotel may also result in loss of your WPAFW membership.
Local, State, or National laws
WPAFW cannot permit any violations of local, state, or national law.
We will take severe and immediate action against anyone who brings illegal drugs to the event, engages in vandalism, or blatantly violates any law or acts in a manner that would compromise our relationship with the Community or the Allegheny County Parks Department. Additionally, alcohol not provided and served by WPAFW is prohibited. Anyone found in possession of outside alcohol will be asked to remove it from the event and issued a warning.
What about Mature Subject Matter?
We do not allow mature subject matter to be displayed in areas where either minors (or adults who do not wish to see it) may be exposed to it.
This includes explicit artwork, but also includes overtly mature discussions, excessive displays of public affection, and use of profanity. While we respect everyone’s lifestyle choices, please remember that North Park is still open to the citizens of Allegheny County during our event. Parents may bring their children to use the playground equipment; especially if the weather is nice.
We expect that all attendees will conduct themselves appropriately. We also expect those staying in the Hotel space to conduct themselves just as they would in any other business or restaurant.
Are minors permitted to attend WPAFW
Minors are not permitted to attend WPAFW.
No one under 18 will be admitted to the Western PA Furry Weekend.
Appropriate Attire & Dress
WPAFW expects attendees to dress appropriately.
Costumes and strange clothing are fine, but if you’re showing too much skin or dressed in a manner that is overtly provocative, you will be asked to cover up. Collars are fine, but overt bondage related behavior is not acceptable in public; so no dragging people around on leashes, please. Additionally, clothing and accessories that intentionally cause distress to other attendees are not welcome. If you’re wearing it, you will be asked to leave.
**While collars are fine, leashes pose a safety risk due to the nature of the lodge and line of sight considerations. Please refrain from using leashes.
What is Consent?
Costume is not Consent.
Consent is necessary for all contact between attendees. No one has a right to touch anyone else, hugging or otherwise, without their permission, regardless of whether or not they’re in fursuit.
What if you have questions?
If you have a problem with something involving operations, a WPAFW staff member or another attendee, please address it to Security (Puzz Dragon and his staff) and/or Manick directly. They will address the concern and will report it to local authorities if deemed necessary. This does not supersede mandated reporter duties.
If a situation requires urgent care, please inform Security as we have EMS on staff.
However, in an emergency or criminal situation, do not hesitate to contact the authorities or 911. Please inform security and/or Manick as soon as possible.