Not sure who to talk to?
Say woof or meow!

Are you looking for assistance with registration, con information, charity auction donations, ECT?
You have come to the right place.
Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate director or staff member.

We look forward to hearing from you and welcome your input!

>> For general questions, comments, or concerns, please email [email protected].

Your Title Goes Here

Telegram Help

If you experience any issues that you feel may require the assistance or intervention of a channel moderator
while using the official Telegram channel of, please reach out to one of our trained moderators.

  • Manicknux
  • Frost
  • Blithe
  • Mae Lin
  • Oz

Email Us

Department Email
Chairman/Operations [email protected]
Advertising/Communications [email protected]
Charity [email protected]
Programming [email protected]
Registration [email protected]
Accessibility [email protected]
Publications/Website [email protected]
Hospitality [email protected]
Volunteering [email protected]

Staff Roster

We would like to thank all of those who have dedicated their time, their craft, and their skill to making the annual WPAFW event a success. From the common challenges faced by every convention such as scheduling, staffing, setups and tear-downs to the recent challenges forced on everyone by COVID we thank you from our tails to the tips of our ears.

Directors & Team Leads

  • Manick – Chaircat / Director of Operations
  • Bossasaur – Accessibility Lead
  • Puzz – Security Lead
  • Nikkiwolf – Shuttle Lead
  • Kael – Director of the Bar
  • Kyriellus – Director of Charity
  • Frostscale Starfal – Director of Communications
  • Shane Hyena – Director of Programming
  • Razor Baribal – Director of VIP Relations
  • Rakedu – Director of Hospitality
  • Blithe – Director of Logistics
  • Hitch – DJ Lead
  • Antnommer – Photography Lead
  • Minion – Director of Registration


Social Media

Go ahead, reach out and touch some fur.

Follow us on our Facebook feed for photos and shares from our members and community.

Join Us on our Telegram General Chat. The preferred communication of the furry fandom.

Go ahead and Tweet at us! Hashtag #wpafw2023

Join the official non-chat Telegram Notification channel to keep up on all the offical announcments and updates while at the con.